Welcome to Privado Health.

Thank you for visiting our website.

At Privado Health, we’re dedicated to revolutionizing cancer treatment through a more targeted approach to cancer care.We focus on a specific type of treatment called Theranostics, which is changing how cancer is treated all over the world. 

We’ve put together a comprehensive list of resources on Theranostics, from patient testimonials and interviews, to information on the science behind Theranostics and how it’s been FDA Approved for treating prostate cancer here in the U.S.

We’re also involved in Clinical Trials for many other cancer types, including Breast Cancer.

So check out our videos, articles and if you’re interested in more information, please fill out the form on our contact us page and one of our team members will get back to you right away.

 Chad Ramos, CEO – Privado Health

Patient Stories

Richard Humphreys describes his journey of diagnosis and treatment of his Stage 4 Prostate Cancer with Theranostics by Dr. Frankis Almaguel.

An interview with Bill Power & Privado Health’s CEO, Chad Ramos. Bill tells his story about his diagnosis with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer, and how he was treated with the cutting edge new therapy, Theranostics.


About Theranostics

What is Theranostics? When Prostate cancer has spread throughout the body and can’t be removed with surgery, there is a new treatment available that leverages a unique marker called prostate-specific membrane antigen, or PSMA.

Dr. Frankis Almaguel describes the cutting edge new treatment for Prostate Cancer, called Theranostics.